
Yesterday's Bible Study Psalm 13

I really enjoyed Small Group yesterday. I felt like for the first time in a while, we had the chance to sit around the table and be authentic about where we are at. There is nothing better than a group of people going through the bible together. I was impressed in the way in which we all allowed the bible to read us rather than us read the bible.

Thank you for everyone who participated in the conversation. I think that all of us walked away feeling energized and encouraged.

We committed to memorizing some scripture this week. I am going to work on memorizing Psalm 13. Feel free to pick any scripture that you feel that you want to memorize. Per Scott....it cannot be John 3:16.

Anyway here are some things that I walked away with from last night after talking about Psalm 13.

1. We need our thoughts to be Christ's thoughts. The only way to do that is to be meditating on scripture and consistently in the word.

2. Be aware of our functional saviors. What are the things that I am running to rather than running towards Christ in order to fulfill something in me?

3. We need to remember that regardless of our circumstances, God is both Good and Sovereign. He is not surprised by anything and will use every situation to sanctify us, grow us, and discipline us.

4. The only way to fight Satan is with the word of God. We are powerless without it.

5. Prayer and Solitude. "Get Quite!" What are the things that do not allow you to hear God. maybe it's the TV, Ipod, chores, naps, etc? What is not allowing you to just sit with your bible and seek to hear from the Lord.

Memorize something this week and be ready to share it on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. I also loved group last night! It is so encouraging to know that everyone goes through the same "distance from God" spells. Satan tries to trick us into believing that it is only us that has this problem, therefore it is something about us that God does not like... which is the furtherst thing from Gods truth! God loves us so much!
    I wanted to share what verse I have commited to memorizing so I can be questioned about it! I am going to do Isaiah 26:3. It is a verse that really spoke to me and it reminds me how important it is to keept the word of God in our hearts!
