
Thanks for Tonight !! (Everyone Read)

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for coming to small group tonight. I really appreciate everyone's willingness and desire to both want to grow in their walk with Jesus and deepen friendships in our group. Today was different and fun, we were able to talk about what we want to do moving forward as a group as well as some fun activities.

Some of the fun activities that we wrote down were:

- Girls / Guys night out.
- Camping Trip
- Feed the Homeless
- Bowling
- Grill out in someones backyard
- Bur-Mil or Triad Park
- Game Night

We also talked about how we can utilize our small group as a missional opportunity. I hope that everyone understands the importance of seeing people who don't know Jesus, come to life in Christ. Lets make sure we are all building relationships with people who God gives us, in order to lead them to the Lord.

Finally, Next week we will most likely meet at our house and then go to the Stones for group time. Jen Stone, Please confirm as soon as you can.

Can someone volunteer to bring a meal?

Lets make sure that we are using this blog to stay connected throughout the week. We will start on Day 1 tomorrow. I have already written a little about it. Again, stay connected with this site because it will be our primary way of connecting with eacother.



  1. We might be able to do the meal, I just need to get to the grocery store later in the week. Does anyone want to do the side or dessert?
