

Hi Everyone,

I would like for all of you to be prayiong for a friend on mine who sent me this e-mail. Thanks and I had a great time with everyone yesterday.

Hi Chewning,
We actually had some shocking news last week at our 28 week ultrasound saying that Mason has a closed spinal defect…. Long story…we go this Thurs morn to Baptist outpatient center for a 2nd ultrasound screening and to verify or gather more information on the diagnosis. We are faithful that the Lord gave and is creating our Mason, is the great healer, and will see us thru this. I could tell you 30 mins. worth of info that I can’t spend time to type up… Please keep us and Baby Mason in your prayers. I am at peace that it’s all in the Lord’s hands and he will be OK and that truly is all I can count on!

I’m glad to hear that Beth and baby are doing well!

Thanks for asking… talk to you soon,


Day 5 "Spiritual Pride"

Have you ever seen something that was going really well, take a sudden turn for the worst? One time I was in a basketball game in college. We were playing Newbury college and I had just gone on one of the hottest streaks of my entire basketball career. I scored 36 points in a matter of 14 minutes. I'll never forget the game. We were down by ten at the half and I remember telling James Capozzi,who was in the crowd while we were warming up for the start of the 2nd half, that I was going to go for 20 in the half and win the game. I only had about 5 points in the first half and was quite for the first 3 minutes of the 2nd half. Then I hit a shot with the shot clock expiring and it sparked my fire. From that point on, the hoop was as big as the Atlantic. I hit 3 after 3 after 3 from everywhere on the court. And ones, up and unders, free throws, mid-range jumpers; I just couldn't miss. I remember looking up into the stands at Beth (who was holding Daniel) and then James, and making an expression like "I have no idea why everything is going in?" Next thing I know we are up 10 points with 1 minute left and I just went went on a scoring spree that I have never witnessed before. It was crazy and I remember it like it was yesterday.

Then it took a turn....FOR THE WORST. Our team literally just shut down with one minute left. Somehow, with one minute left and down 10 points, Newbury found themselves now up 1 point with 6 seconds left. I can't even remember how that happened. They were about to pull off the biggest comeback that I would ever be a part of.

...I hit the game winner with no time left on the clock and we won by 1. Best game of my career.

Luke 4:14-30 is a story of how quickly something could go wrong after being so right. Jesus is in his home town probably with his family and crew. He's at the church that he grew up in, and people were probably excited to see him. At that time there were a lot of talk about Jesus because of miracles that he was performing in Capernaum. (Side note, Luke was not written in chronological order like other gospels.) While at church, Jesus picks up a scroll and reads a prophecy about himself out of Isaiah. he basically told the group that the Messiah is here and standing before you. The crowd was overwhelmingly joyful. Scripture says that the crowd "spoke well of him and was amazed at the gracious words that came from his lips."

Then it turned! To preface his next statement, he first warned the crowd by saying, "Easy, don't talk so highly of me yet, because I am about to tell you something that will make you want to literally throw me off of a cliff." Then he shares an analogy and communicated to the Jews that the Kingdom of God is not just for the good, moral, law following Jews. Instead he tells them that the Kingdom of God is for the repentant sinners of the world." This is how the Jews responded. One minute they were filled with Joy that the messiah was before them and the next minute, scripture tells us "All the people in the synagogue were furious when they heard this. They got up, drove him out of the town, and took him to the brow of the hill on which the town was built, in order to throw him down the cliff."

Why did they turn so fast? Why were they ready to throw Jesus off of a cliff? The answer; "SPIRITUAL PRIDE!!"

The Jews thought that salvation was for only those who were good morel Jews. How dare salvation be offered to those who don't try hard. I try hard, I sacrifice, I am a good person. I deserve the Kingdom of God.

Don't we all act like this sometimes. Don't we sometimes look at people who are lost and don't know Christ with some sort of internal spiritual pride. Almost as if we are better than they are? None of us would intentionally do this or even admit it for that matter, but if your honest; it's there. It's in us to act and think like this. Truth be told, if we were one of the religious people in the room, we would have been trying to throw Jesus over a cliff as well. How dare he stomp on my self righteous party.

This is what I pull away from this scripture.

If I am not willing to put myself in situations where people are turning against me and kicking me out, than I have to ask if I am compromising TRUTH? Jesus was full of truth, he lived truth and was truth. I believe that Christians need to be less combative with their approach towards TRUTH, however stand firm in the fact that "ONLY WE HAVE THE TRUTH." Ultimately we'll walk away like Jesus; totally and supernaturally unharmed. Scripture says "Jesus walked right through the mob and went on his way."


Day 3 "Are we growing?" Questions for everyone

There is a lot of weird stiff that went down in today's scriptures. Let me just play out the scenario real quick about Simeon and Anna. I am not sure how to explain these two people because we don't see anyone like these two in our culture except for the guy who stands on the corner in NYC screaming "Jesus is COMING" and the crazy lady who brings the tambourine to church. None-the less, they were filled with the same Holy Spirit that we are filled with and because of that, acted a little weird. Simeon comes to the baby dedication and snatches Jesus up and starts screaming that he's God. Anna then tells everyone that this baby will redeem God's people. That's one weird day to say the least.

One thing that spoke pretty clearly to me when I was reading this was the idea that Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men. This is a very strong concern for me and I think that as a small group, we need to be asking this question. Are we growing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men?

Notice that it does not talk about growing in our commitment to church attendance, to ministry, to small group attendance, or any other religious activity. Instead it addresses our spiritual wisdom, our physical stature, and our favor with people and the Lord.

It seems that God is not impressed in what we do for him; instead he is concerned about our growth. My prayer for our group is that we would all grow. We are all on different pages in our walk, however we need to all be moving forward. We have to understand that it's OK not be OK; but...its not OK to stay there. We all need to be moving forward.

Jen Shomo: Are you growing in your faith? How?

Stone's: How are you overcoming your sin?

Mike and Celia: What areas in your life do you need to grow in wisdom and favor with God and others? Is anything holding you back?

Suddoth's: What are your plans to grow up in your faith?

Jon M aka the Baptist: Are there things in your life that are hindering your growth?

Kelly: Your a new believer, that is when people typically see the most growth...is that true for you? If so, tell us about it.

Steve and Alice: What areas in your lives is God currently working on changing?

Beth: How is 3 kids and being pregnant hindering your walk? Is it at all?
Holly and Ryan: How is all that you been through the past few years grown you spiritually?

I am asking myself similar questions. Lately I feel like I have been in a desert. I feel like when I get quite, God is not there as often. I feel like I don't hear him as clearly as I have in the past. I am concerned that it is because I am coming to the word for information instead of a heart transformation opportunity. How can I change that behavior?


Plans for this coming up Monday (READ)

Here is Monday's agenda.

Meet at my house at 5:45. We'll have dinner together and then leave at 6:20 to go to the Stone's. We will leave the kids with 2 people at our house. We will decide on who stays with the kids on Monday.

Main Meal: Jen Sudduth
Dessert: Jen Shomo (Yeah, I said it.)
Drinks: Chewning's

This week we will be going over Luke 1-5. Lets chat about how we feel the website is working and what we may be able to do different if needed?


Day 2 "Being Jesus' Dad"

Not to be too unspiritual, but the first thing that came to mind when reading this was "Did Mary and Zechariah really bust out into a freestyle hip hop battle during all of this?" From the looks of it, that is just what happened.

When I think of Joseph, this is almost more that I can even fathom. He is in love with the woman of his dreams, she comes and tells him that she pregnant with the Holy Spirit's baby (Yeah right), then he has a dream where an angel comes to tell him that his wife is going to give birth to God in the flesh and that his child will take away the sins of the world. Wow, what a day. That's more than I could handle. Now here he is, coming to his home town, not married with a pregnant girl.

When I look at the life of Joesph I see such obedience and submission to Christ even as a child. I wonder how hard it was for Joseph to look at this situation and be able to self evaluate his place? Do I leave her? Do I raise this boy? What is my role? How am I going to raise God? So many questions. I wonder what Joseph was doing when he finally decided that the best possible thing to do was to be selfless and just play his part? To lay aside his goals, his desires, his dreams, his life, so that he could play his part in the most influential time in all of history. What a great model he must have been for Jesus as he was growing up; having a father who was more interested in the plan of God rather than his own plan.

That forces me to ask the same question about myself.

1. How is Christ influencing my decisions today?

2. Am I modeling Joseph in which he was able to lay aside his goals, his desires, his dreams, his life, so that he could play his God given part?

3. What is Christ doing right now as I type this blog, to mold me into his likeness?

4. If it were not for Christ, where would I be today?


Thanks for Tonight !! (Everyone Read)

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for coming to small group tonight. I really appreciate everyone's willingness and desire to both want to grow in their walk with Jesus and deepen friendships in our group. Today was different and fun, we were able to talk about what we want to do moving forward as a group as well as some fun activities.

Some of the fun activities that we wrote down were:

- Girls / Guys night out.
- Camping Trip
- Feed the Homeless
- Bowling
- Grill out in someones backyard
- Bur-Mil or Triad Park
- Game Night

We also talked about how we can utilize our small group as a missional opportunity. I hope that everyone understands the importance of seeing people who don't know Jesus, come to life in Christ. Lets make sure we are all building relationships with people who God gives us, in order to lead them to the Lord.

Finally, Next week we will most likely meet at our house and then go to the Stones for group time. Jen Stone, Please confirm as soon as you can.

Can someone volunteer to bring a meal?

Lets make sure that we are using this blog to stay connected throughout the week. We will start on Day 1 tomorrow. I have already written a little about it. Again, stay connected with this site because it will be our primary way of connecting with eacother.


Day 1 "Our Destiny"

How can a person not be encouraged by these words from God; Jeremiah 1:5"Before I formed you in your mothers womb, I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart."

In today's reading, Luke describes in detail the plans for John the Baptist. He explains it to John's dad, months before John is ever conceived or born. This reading just goes to show us how deeply God is involved in the universe.

You all know that I have 3 kids, almost 4. I am not sure if you know that NONE of them have been planned. We tried to plan our last one but had 2 miscarriages and then the Dr told us to stop trying for a few months. Two weeks later we found out about baby J (Jacob's due in June). So, I never planned our children, but that does not mean that they weren't planned. Psalm 139 tells us that God had beautiful thoughts for all of my kids before they were even a twinkle in my eye or a thought in my little brain.

John the baptist had his destiny laid out before him. Supernaturally an angel told about his whole life to his Father and how he would pave the way for the Savior of the world. We too have a destiny that God has spoken over our lives. It is our responsibility to live out our destiny for the glory of God.

I am asking myself these 3 questions today.

1. Am I currently living out my destiny?

2. What has God set me apart for?

3. How am I living a life like John, so that I am paving a way for Jesus to work in others?